JUNE 15-20

Join us for an exciting week at Music Camp, a faith-filled experience where young performers bring a full musical to life in just five days! Campers will sing, dance, and act while growing in their faith and learning how to use their talents for God’s glory. This  is the perfect place for kids to build confidence, make new friends, and celebrate the joy of musical theater.

Open to students in completed 1st-6th grades.
Registration closes May 22


JULY 14-18

WinShape Camps for Communities brings the ultimate day camp right to your neighborhood, combining fun and friendship into an action-packed week—all centered around Jesus. Campers cultivate their God-given skills and talents in a mix of indoor and outdoor moments, physical activity and creative play, with epic adventures at camp all day and sleeping soundly back at home at night.

Open to student in completed grades K5-5th
Registration now open